Pregnant woman crushed to death by herd of angry elephants

6 days ago

Indonesia news, World news.

A 5-month pregnant woman was crushed to death by a herd of about 15 elephants while working with her husband on their plantation in Indonesia.

33-year-old Karsini and her husband Rasum were tapping rubber trees in their field in South Sumatra when a herd of angry elephants came their way.

The mother-of-three tried to scare off the beasts by hammering empty jerrycans something that only added to the elephants’ rage.

The terrified giants charged at the couple viciously crushing the pregnant woman and her unborn baby.

To see also:
  • Man ripped in half by crocodile as he swam near home
  • Her body was recovered after the herd left the area on Sunday. Karsini’s husband survived the ordeal.

    “It’s known that the victim was five months pregnant,” the Muara Lakitan Police Chief said.

    “She suffered severe wounds on her stomach and waist and her womb had shifted to the left. Her husband managed to save himself.”

    The official noted that herds of up to 100 elephants visit the area and urged locals to avoid the massive animals.

    “Don’t disturb them. Don’t try to chase them away. They are only looking for food. If you see an elephant, immediately move away.”