Student on field trip dies when tree fell on Michigan nature center

17 hours ago

Livingston County news, Michigan news.

A 12-year-old student was killed by a falling tree Thursday while on a field trip at a southeastern Michigan nature center.

Declan Carter was fatally struck in the head when the tree fell at the Howell Nature Center. He succumbed to his injuries at a local hospital.

The Our Lady of Victory Catholic School student was taking part in a camping field trip at the nature center.

To see also:
  • Worker crushed to death after tree fell wrong direction in Connecticut
  • Livingston County Sheriff Michael Murphy said the chaperones were instructing the children on how to make a fire when they heard cracking.

    Members of the group fled to safety as the 20-foot tall rotten tree fell on Carter hitting his head.

    “I have no words other than it’s a tragic accident that just makes absolutely no sense,” the Sheriff added.