Celebrity doctor shot from point-blank range to back of head; killed outside LA clinic

16 days ago

Los Angeles news, California news.

A Los Angeles doctor who treated movie stars and athletes was shot to the back of the head from point-blank range and killed while walking to his car outside the Warner Plaza Urgent Center Friday.

Doctor Hamid Mirshojae, 61, did not realize a gunman was approaching him from behind in the parking lot of the clinic where he practiced.

Police said the gunman exchanged no words with the doctor before gunning him down at around 5:30 p.m.

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  • Deputy succumbs to injuries days after he was shot while serving warrant
  • The cold-blooded slaying occurred a few months after a group of men with baseball bats came in and ambushed the doctor, a clinic employee said.

    “They came and they beat him with baseball bats…They were some strangers that we didn’t know.”

    Police did not make arrests in the ambush and the slaying.