Dying by himself: 86-year-old man found dead next to space heater at Queens apartment

4years ago

New York City news, New York news.

Neighbors of an 86-year-old man are in shock following the news of his passing that emerged on Thursday.

James Murphy, best known as Harry, was found lifeless at around 3:15 p.m. when cops conducted a wellness check at his apartment located near 50th Avenue in Flushing.

Fire Department agents were called to the scene to remove the door and allow cops entry to the apartment where Murphy’s lifeless body was discovered.

Investigators said that a space heater was found next to Murphy’s body. The heater and Murphy’s chair were burned. The elderly man had burns he might have had while still alive.

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  • NYC man, in his 70s, dies 25 minutes after getting Covid vaccine; Authorities rule out allergic reaction
  • “I always saw him around 10:30 or 11 a.m., he’d go out to get the newspaper. We’d always have a 5 or 10 minutes conversation, asking if he’s okay, does he need anything,” neighbor Sal Sefovic said.

    “I spoke with him last week. A nice guy.”

    Sefovic’s wife said that investigators examined surveillance cameras to verify no one suspicious visited the home.

    “My son looked through all the videos but did not see anyone. It just doesn’t make sense, dying sitting down. It stayed on my mind all night. Poor Harry dying by himself.”