Stranger suddenly pushed woman into tracks as train pulled in

3years ago

New York City news, New York news.

A 55-year-old woman has miraculously survived a vicious attack when a complete stranger pushed her into an oncoming train Monday night.

The shoving incident occurred at the West 4th Street-Washington Square subway station in Greenwich Village, the NYPD said.

The victim was standing on the platform when the suspect, identified as 23-year-old Matthew Montanez, shoved her onto the train just after it pulled into the station.

The woman struck the side of the engine and was thrown back onto the platform where first responders tried to save her life.

To see also:
  • Body of South Carolina woman found on train tracks after suspects killed her, buried her in backyard
  • She sustained a fractured neck and spine. She remains in critical condition.

    Montanez was arrested at the scene and charged with felony assault and felony reckless endangerment.

    Recently, similar incidents became recurrent on the Big Apple subways. Late last month, a 29-year-old straphanger was shoved onto the tracks and managed to flee just before a train pulled in.

    Days earlier, a 24-year-old man had viciously pushed a woman, 40, into Union Square Station in front of an oncoming train. He was charged with attempted murder.

    On Nov. 18, Justin Pena, 23, shoved a 36-year-old traveler onto the Bryant Park Station tracks when the victim refused to give him money.