BoiNTech CEO explains how Covid vaccine ‘bash the virus over the head’, says it’s 90% efficient

4years ago

US news.

The CEO of BioNTech and scientist behind the Pfizer vaccine described how it can be 90 percent efficient and end the disturbingly-surging pandemic.

“If the question is whether we can stop this pandemic with this vaccine, then my answer is: yes because I believe that even protection only from symptomatic infections will have a dramatic effect,” Ugur Sahin said.

The 55-year-old billionaire believes the vaccine targets the virus in many ways and stops its spread.

To see also:
  • Volunteers describe getting Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine as ‘severe hangover’
  • “The vaccine hinders COVID-19 from gaining access to our cells. But even if the virus manages to find a way in, then the T-cells bash it over the head and eliminate it.”

    “We have trained the immune system very well to perfect these two defensive moves. We now know that the virus can’t defend itself against these mechanisms,” Sahin added.

    Regarding how long the vaccine effects would last, Sahin said that it depends on the immunity of the person.

    “We only have indirect clues so far immunity duration. Studies of COVID-19 patients have shown that those with a strong immune response still have that response after six months. I could imagine we could be safe for at least a year.”