Florida toddler shoots himself with unsecured gun left on couch

3 days ago

Belle Glade news, Florida news.

A Florida toddler is recovering after he accidentally shot himself with a loaded gun left on a couch on Monday.

Palm Beach County Sheriff’s deputies responded to a Lakeside Medical Center in Belle Glade where the 3-year-old boy was brought.

Investigators said the boy shot himself in the left hand after finding a CZ P-10 S handgun.

To see also:
  • Arizona toddler shoots himself; teen brother arrested
  • The toddler reportedly told an investigator with the Department of Children and Families, “I shot it with a gun…I shot myself! I shot it! I was crying.”

    Police said that 24-year-old Jashawn Mathis, the gun owner, wrapped the boy’s hand in a towel and took him to the hospital.

    Mathis said he typically stores the gun in a snap-sealed box on top of the kitchen cabinet, but on Monday, he accidentally left it on a couch.

    He was charged with child neglect and culpable negligence.