Michigan doctor, wife arrested for allegedly locking special needs child in closet over several months

17 hours ago

Marquette Township news, Michigan news.

A Michigan family doctor and his wife are facing charges after investigators learned that they allegedly locked a 10-year-old son inside a closet.

Dr. Colin Irish and his wife Carrie Irish allegedly kept the special needs boy inside a closet for several hours a day while he wore only underwear.

The victim was also denied a mattress, pillow, and blanket as he slept directly on the closet floor without heating vents or windows.

To see also:
  • Michigan mother arrested for abandoning 3 children for 4 years: ‘Everybody is upset’
  • The parents allegedly forced the boy to clean feces and urines inside the closet that they modified with plastic sheet panels and linoleum floors.

    Authorities took the victim to an area hospital to be treated for potential frostbite and removed two other kids from the home.

    Dr. Irish worked at Irish Family Practice in Marquette and was also the medical director and attending physician for the Iron County Medical Care Facility.

    He was suspended over the child abuse allegations, the facility said on social media.