Indiana woman arrested aboard bus with toddler in suitcase; claiming it was to ‘keep him warm’

19 days ago

Bloomington news, Indiana news.

An Indiana woman was arrested after she allegedly boarded a bus with a toddler inside a suitcase last month.

29-year-old Ashley N. Gibson was charged with child neglect and criminal recklessness in connection to the Dec. 12 incident.

Gibson allegedly zipped a 2-year-old boy inside the suitcase before boarding a Bloomington Transit bus, police said.

To see also:
  • Boy, 11, tells police mom handcuffed him in basement
  • The bus driver noticed a child was inside the suitcase, pulled over, and called 911.

    Gibson told officers that she placed the boy inside the suitcase to “keep him warm” after asking a family caseworker who told her it was “okay to do.”

    Detectives determined the child had been there for at least 18 minutes.