Construction worker dies in freak accident in Tennessee

4 month ago

Baxter news, Tennessee news.

A construction worker died in a freak accident while working a new home in Tennessee, officials said Wednesday.

41-year-old Joseph Kyle Lesko was a member of the construction crew working on a new residence build on Maxwell Road when a tragic accident occurred.

The worker was on the roof where several trusses were used in a holding position when one of the trusses fell triggering a domino effect of 20 or more trusses.

To see also:
  • Texas worker dies after falling off cellphone tower
  • Lesko got trapped underneath the trusses and died instantly.

    “This was an accident that turned into a sad and tragic loss of life in Putnam County,” said Sheriff Eddie Farris.

    “Rescue personnel responded immediately, but the weight and forces of the trusses were tremendous and too much to overcome.”

    An investigation into the fatal accident remains ongoing.