Trump stops rally to get help for attendee in medical distress

8 days ago

Mosinee news, Wisconsin news.

Donald Trump has, on Saturday, stopped his rally in Mosinee, Wisconsin to ask for help for an attendee in medical distress.

The GOP presidential candidate was 30 minutes into his speech when a group of attendees stood up and started yelling for a “medic.”

Trump then stopped his remarks and joined them “Medic, please. Doctor, thank you.”

To see also:
  • Trump admits deporting migrants from US will be ‘bloody story’
  • It took medical staff about five minutes as Trump commented, “Take your time.”

    “We get the greatest service here. It’s amazing the way they are just right on it,” Trump said as two medics rushed through the crowd.

    Shortly later, the crowd gave a thumbs up indicating that the situation was over.

    “We’re getting a lot of good signs,” the former President told the cheering crowd. “And just make some room for them so they can get out and hopefully come back before we’re finished because we can stay here all day as far as I’m concerned.”