Elderly Mass. driver plows car into Asian man yelling ‘Go back to China’

2 years ago

A 77-year-old Massachusetts man reportedly rammed his car into an innocent passerby while spewing racist slurs Friday morning.

John Sullivan is accused of perpetrating a racially motivated attack on the Asian man, driving 200 yards with him on the hood as the victim’s family watched.

“He said: ‘Go back to China. I’m going to go into the post office and come back out in five minutes,” the victim’s sister said.

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    The woman took Sullivan’s car information after he “rammed into my brother. My brother rolled onto the hood and he clung onto the hood. He went for about a good 200 yards, then he brakes so my brother fell off. When (my brother) was trying to balance, he hit my brother again, continuing his racial slurs.”

    The victim was ultimately dumped into a ditch at a construction site. Sullivan was arrested and charged with assault, battery, careless driving, and other counts.