Dem. Politician criticized after posting tweet mocking Lindsay Graham’s Covid infection

3years ago

Rhode Island news, New York news.

Rhode Island Chief Strategist Kate Coyne-McCoy has been swiftly criticized after posting a tweet joking about Sen. Lindsey Graham’s positive Covid diagnosis.

“It’s wrong to hope he dies from Covid right? Asking for a friend,” she posted.

The Republican South Carolina lawmaker had announced Monday that he has tested positive for the illness and will be in quarantine for 10 days.

Coyne-McCoy later deleted the incendiary tweet and posted: “I made a mistake. I used poor judgment which I obviously regret.”

To see also:
  • Ted Cruz says Democrats shouldn’t be mandating masks & vaccines: 'I believe in individual freedom and responsibility'
  • A “furious” State Democratic Party Chairman Joe McNamara strongly condemned his fellow executive consultant’s comment.

    “It was a stupid thing to do and I’m glad she…made an apology,” McNamara told NBC 10 adding that the party is reviewing Coyne-McCoy’s contract.

    “It’s a horrible thing to say, especially in light of the fact that we have lost so many loved ones to this pandemic. It’s very, very hurtful.”

    Graham said that he was “glad” he had received his vaccine back in December. He is a fervent advocate for inoculation.

    “The sooner we get everybody vaccinated, the quicker we can get back to normal,” he said last spring.