After fracturing his right foot over the weekend; Biden shows off walking boot & says he feels ‘good’

3years ago

Wilmington news, Delaware news.

As he stepped out of a black SUV on Tuesday, the President-elect revealed his broken foot in public reassuring reporters that he feels “good.”

Joe Biden had fractured his right foot on Saturday while playing with one of his two German shepherds, Major, and was diagnosed with a sprain.

To see also:
  • Trump says he’ll leave White House if Electoral College named Biden winner of ‘rigged election’
  • “Initial X-rays are reassuring that there is no obvious fracture and he will be getting an additional CT for more detailed imaging,” Biden’s physician Kevin O’Connor said.

    He would later release a statement indicating that “Follow-up CT scan confirmed hairline (small) fractures of President-elect Biden’s lateral and intermediate cuneiform bones, which are in the mid-foot. It is anticipated that he will likely require a walking boot for several weeks.”

    Headed to The Queens theater in Wilmington where he was expected to announce his economic team, Biden lifted his right knee and gave a thumb’s up.