3-year-old girl fighting for life after getting burned in hot geyser during family trip in Yellowstone

4years ago

Yellowstone news, Idaho news.

A trip to Yellowstone National Park turned tragic after a toddler fell into a hot geyser and was severely burned yesterday morning.

The unidentified 3-year-old girl reportedly stumbled into the scorching hot spring and sustained second-degree burns all over her body.

“The child took off running from the trail, slipped and then fell into a small thermal feature,” the park officials said.

She remains at the Burn Center at Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center where she is being treated for burns to her lower body and back.

Authorities urged visitors to be aware of the dangerous geysers that suddenly erupt under pressure and release jets of hot water and steam into the air.

People should stick to the indicated boardwalks and keep their children away from the hot springs.