Los Angeles officer lost eyesight when someone attacked him with laser

4years ago

Los Angeles news, California news.

A California cop has lost the sight of his right eye after he was attacked from a balcony with a green laser.

It occurred on July 16, as Kyle Rice responded to an altercation between a homeowner and a homeless man near Second and San Pedro streets.

The father of two girls felt like his eye was on fire when someone shined the laser at him. Now, he can no longer drive or balance and his right eye can’t see.

“I have to lay down all the time and then I got to figure out, you know, I can’t stop being a dad to my two girls and a husband to my wife. I love our department, I love our city.”

A 45-year-old suspect has been arrested in the case. Concerns rise amid LAPD many similar attacks that cause permanent retina damage.

“I just hope that we can drop this and really see that instead of hurting each other maybe we should just start talking to each other a little more,” Rice said.