Joe Biden leads over President Donald Trump

4years ago

New York news, USA news.

Biden is leading against trump, with a percentage of 53% to 42% along registered voters.

The novel coronavirus pandem has extremely changed presidential campaigning. Both Biden and Trump stopped their in-person events, and states decided to report primary elections until summer.

Biden is now leading over Trump, and it seems that more Americans are trusting Biden to handle several essential issues, among which we can cite: response to the coronavirus outbreak (52% to 43%) , helping the middle class (57% to 38%) and health care (57% to 39%).

However, Trump barely surpasses Biden on who handles the economy in a better way, with 50% thinking Trump would and 46% saying Biden, regardless of a slight decrease in Trump’s approval rating for managing the economy and a clear-cut rise in negative views of the American economy.

Biden’s choices on health care and helping the middle class are boosted by crossover from those who stand with Trump. In fact, 1 in 8 Americans who hold a positive opinion about Trump, think Biden can do a better job than his opponent on health care and helping the middle class.

Albeit very few Democrats abandon Biden on those two controversies, the President’s advantage on the economy rises from 16% of Democrats who affirm Trump would do a better job than Biden on the matter.