Teen stabs 3 Asian Americans including children because ‘they were infecting people with COVID-19'

4years ago

Midland news, Texas news.

The FBI has been investigating a hate crime incident that took place at Sam’s Club on March 14 during which, a Texas teen had stabbed 2 and 6-year-old Asian-American kids and one of their family members because he thought they infected people with COVID-19.

Jose Gomez, 19, also attacked a bystander by the knife when he and the store’s worker tried to arrest him causing him serious injuries to his hands and legs. The suspect who was apprehended by an off-duty Border Patrol Agent told police that he attacked the victims with the intent to kill them because they are Chinese: "The suspect indicated that he stabbed the family because he thought the family was Chinese, and infecting people with the coronavirus," an FBI report mentioned.

The teen is being held on a $1,000,000 bail.