Megyn Kelly claims Trump has ‘lost multiple steps’ mentally; but still prefers him over Biden

8 month ago

Washington DC news, Washington news.

Appearing on conservative Glenn Beck’s podcast Thursday, Megyn Kelly discussed the fourth Republican debate she moderated this week and gave her opinion on Donald Trump’s mental agility decline.

Kelly said the 77-year-old Republican frontrunner has “lost multiple steps” mentally but is still “more fit and more capable” than Joe Biden.

Asked whether she believed Trump has “faded from where he was in 2020,” Kelly replied.

“Yeah, I do. I mean, I’d take him over Joe Biden any day of the week. I don’t think he’s going to, you know, fill out this term. Never mind a second.”

To see also:
  • Trump again skips Republican primary debate; calls participants a ‘JV team of RINO globalist candidates’
  • “But there’s no question Trump has lost a step- or multiple steps.”

    Kelly cited Trump’s recent gaffes including him confusing Biden for Obama and World War III for WWII.

    “I know he’s now saying he intentionally did that; go back and look at the clips. It wasn’t intentional,” she said.

    “With all due respect to Trump: This is what happens when you’re 77 years old. Trump seems inhuman, but he’s not inhuman. He’s a human. He’s a man.”