Teen girl, 17, dies from blood clot after undergoing cosmetic surgery

one year ago

Brazil news, World news.

A teenage girl died in Brazil shortly after undergoing cosmetic surgery, family and friends said.

17-year-old Maythe Rudek Garcia was rushed to the hospital from the cosmetic clinic shortly after the operation that caused a blood clot in the lung.

Doctors told the teen’s family that she suffered a pulmonary embolism which led to her death.

The victim is the daughter of a prominent family in Brazil; her father is a businessman while her mother had once run for Mayor of the town of Contenda.

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  • “She went for a cosmetic procedure and the surgery ended up going wrong,” a friend said.

    “She had a pulmonary embolism, she ended up dying. The family did not reveal what the procedure was.”

    Maythe was put to rest on September 6. Her pals at the COC Araucaria College were left in shock over the sudden passing.

    “Maythe was always liked and loved by everyone. Always worrying about helping other people and doing good,” one said.