Woman dies after car went down boat ramp, sank in Lake Austin

2 years ago

Austin news, Texas news.

A Texas woman was found dead in a submerged car while a second victim survived after the car went down a boat ramp and quickly sank in Lake Austin early Tuesday.

Officers were at the scene at around 3:30 a.m. over reports of a woman screaming for help inside a sinking car near a Walsh Landing ramp.

The victim, believed to be a woman in her 30s, was pronounced dead by first responders who recovered the body around 4 p.m.

To see also:
  • NC woman arrested for drowning Ga. child during swimming class
  • Investigators are now questioning a second woman who survived the ordeal. They said that there was no indication of foul play.

    “Because this ramp dropped fast so that they are soon as they went in, it's the slope on it,” an eyewitness, who also often launches his boat from the ramp, said of the fast drowning.

    “You're going to be underwater before you know it. That's why I always set my brake, my truck when I'm launching because if something pops out of gear or somehow my truck disengages, I'm in the water and fast, you can see how steep it is. It's a steep ramp.”