‘Out of jealousy’: Navy sailor slaughters wife with hammer, burns home with infant son still inside

2 years ago

New London news, Connecticut news.

A Connecticut Navy sailor has allegedly beaten his estranged wife to death with a hammer on Wednesday before lighting the home on fire with their infant son still inside.

The 13-month-old baby was successfully rescued by firefighters who discovered him in his crib on the residence’s second floor.

23-year-old George Dodson had self-inflicted wounds when he confronted police in the backyard, telling them: “I did this. I killed her.”

To see also:
  • Wife killed while spending honeymoon in Fiji with husband who is now accused of murder
  • “We opened up our relationship and she found another man she loved more and I could not stand the thought of it, so I killed her,” he added.

    The 22-year-old woman was pronounced dead at the scene after her body was located on the first floor of the burning home.

    Dodson was a second-class petty officer assigned to the USS Newport News as an electronics technician for nuclear.