More than 4,000 underage migrants packed in tent structure: First press tour reveals

3years ago

Donna news, Texas news.

US Customs and Border Protection allowed two reporters from the AP and CBS on Tuesday to finally tour its main detention facility for underage migrants in Donna, Texas.

The journalists reported the overcrowded conditions were more than 4,100 children lived inside a tent structure that it is originally meant for 250 people.

The facility was divided using plastic separators to eight “pods”, each housing up to 500 minors in around 3,200 square feet.

The reporters witnessed how arriving Central American children were being processed: From lice inspection, health check, scabies, and fever examinations to psychological tests.

To see also:
  • Texans terrified that migrants detained next-door would escape and ‘hold them hostages’
  • Mexican President says Biden administration is to blame for migrants’ crisis since it promised ‘better treatment’ on border
  • The minors who were 14 and more were fingerprinted and recorded before getting a notice to appear in the immigration court.

    The kids were given bracelets with information about the last time they took a shower and the ailments they suffer.

    Biden administration has long been criticized for not allowing press into the migrants’ detention facilities.

    Other housing structures are being opened in San Antonio, San Diego, and El Paso.