Daytona Beach man arrested on warrant after he wrote $34,490 of worthless checks.

5years ago

Daytona Beach news, Florida news.

The Daytona Beach Police Service arrested James Harper, 55, at his home at 801 N. Peninsula Drive after a local judge issued four felony warrants for writing three worthless checks, according to the affidavit of the count.

The first check for $ 28,000 in June was for debt repayment and the second check for $ 6,250 in July was a promissory note for a trust. In August, he wrote a check for $ 250 to advertise at Daytona Beach Moose Lodge (# 1263).

And on November 3, Harper was arrested for serious violence after beating his boyfriend in the head with a cell phone.

Harper was released from the Volusia County Branch Prison shortly after being detained on arrest warrant. His appearance is scheduled for November 26.