Overdosing man left to die behind NYC pizzeria in depraved body dump incident

10 days ago

Staten Island news, New York news.

A New York City man was found dead behind a Staten Island pizza restaurant Sunday night after he suffered an overdose.

Surveillance cameras caught two individuals carrying the dying man in a rolling office chair to the back of the Port Richmond Avenue building at around 2 a.m.

They returned shortly later, to retrieve the chair, after realizing that the 32-year-old man had died.

The victim’s body was discovered lying face-up on the ground by a pizzeria worker shortly after 6 a.m.

To see also:
  • Woman’s body found in zip-tied garbage can in LA residential neighborhood
  • Investigators spotted bruising on the man’s nose but couldn’t tell if it happened before or after his death.

    The victim’s roommate admitted during questioning that he saw him ingest a powder through his nose and saw him pass out.

    Instead of seeking help, the roommate took the man outside for “some fresh air” with the help of another person.

    The roommate added that he fled the scene because he feared getting in trouble over the incident.