Seven cases of mumps identified in an ICE facility in Houston

5years ago

Houston news, Texas news.

According to the Houston Department of Health, seven cases of mumps were identified in an ICE facility, the seven cases were adults detained at the US Immigration and Customs Control Center in Houston, and nothing indicates that the illness was transmitted to anyone outside the center in Houston.

Mumps, which is usually spread by saliva and mucus, causes fever, muscle aches, loss of appetite, and puffy cheeks and jaws characteristic of swollen salivary glands. In 1977, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention began recommending two doses of MMR vaccine to children.

The MMR vaccine is given in two doses, which is 97% effective and protects lifetime recipients against measles, mumps and rubella, according to the CDC.

According to the CDC, more than 100 cases of measles were diagnosed in 21 states and in the District of Columbia in 2018.

The CDC said most people who have had measles have not been vaccinated.